the best invasive termite inspections
  • June 14, 2022
  • Effective Building
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A termite inspection is a visual inspection of a home or structure for signs of active termite infestation and damage. Termite inspections include the detection of any areas that are likely to attract termites. Whether you’ve found termites or termite damage, or we find them during a pest or termite inspection, we will be recommending an additional Invasive Inspection. 

An invasive termite inspection is a phrase used when having to do a more succinct inspection of a building for termite activity. The invasive inspection engenders a visual to the termite activity, provides insight to the extent of termite damage and entry points. Establishing termite entry points is critical for once the entry points have been established, a more effective control of the termite’s colony can be undertaken.

best invasive termite inspections an imperative

What Is Involved In An Invasive Inspection?

The invasive inspection is when an area needs more attention by means of drilling or removing panelling etc. For instance, if termite activity is suspected in a wall cavity, it may be necessary to cut into the wall. By cutting or drilling into a wall, we can acquire a better understanding of what is going on without disturbing the termites.

In many circumstances, a small hole can be drilled so that a borescope can be used. A borescope is a small camera on the end of a long wire that can be rotated in different directions. Technicians can observe what the camera sees using a handheld monitor attached to the camera. Once complete, any minor repairs can be carried out by the homeowner.

The aim of the invasive termite inspection is to locate possible termite nests and workings. It’s also important not to damage the termite workings too much during the process. The workings are needed to insert poison into; this will bring the colony under control. Without the workings, it makes it very difficult to guarantee the entire colony has been eliminated.

In conclusion, termites can have detrimental effects on your property. People usually don’t even suspect there are any termites dining of their walls and floors, especially when they’re colonised in inaccessible areas. To detect termites as quickly as possible, all homeowners should have a regular termite inspection carried out once every 12 months. Without termite inspections, termites can make their way into a structure and cause a significant amount of damage. Most damage caused by termites can be prevented with regular and adequate home inspections. To book an inspection or to find out more, contact us today on (02) 9613 3353.

invasive termite inspections
invasive termite inspections
best invasive termite inspections
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About Elie Farah

Elie Farah is a Building Consultant with over 25 years of experience in the property industry. Elie has specialised knowledge in development acquisitions, blue-chip properties and inspections, as well as flood-affected and waterfront properties, heritage buildings, bushfire management and existing use rights.

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