purpose of building inspections
  • February 2, 2021
  • Effective Building
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Effective Building & Consultancy believes that the purpose of building inspections is to ensure that all builders should comply with minimum safety standards as mandated by the Australian standards and law.

The main purpose of a building inspection is to provide advice to the client regarding the condition of the dwelling at the time of the inspection. But there’s more than this.

In this post, I’ll share you the 7 purpose of building inspections.

7 Purpose of Building Inspections

1. Understand the Property’s Condition

A building inspection provides advice to the client about the property’s condition at the time of inspection. Knowing as much as you can about the property’s condition will help you avoid problems and extra expenses down the track.

2. Check for Evidence

A building inspection checks for evidence of existing structural damage. It also assesses any conditions that may lead to structural damage.

When a property is inspected, there are several things to examine. Aside from the structural damage, the licensed inspector can also inspect for water damage and assess water drainage. The inspector looks for deteriorated plumbing and incompatible sewerage and water pipes.

Structural damage is noted on the inspector’s checklist along with other defects.

3. Consider Major and Minor Defects

Most properties have issues even if they are newly built. Some may have cracking, corrosion, unevenness, and physical damage to materials and finishes. When you get a building inspection, you can see major and minor defects along with secondary and finishing elements.

4. Reveal the Hidden Defects

A quality building inspection by a licensed EBC building inspector can reveal hidden defects. These defects may have been concealed by the vendor. It can also be not visibly apparent to the unlicensed operator or casual observer.

5. Check for Any Alterations

Another purpose of building inspections is that an inspector can check the property for any current alterations. We can also determine if the renovations have been documented with permits and registrations.

Moreover, an inspection helps you to prevent dealing with severe structural issues after signing the papers.

6. Use for Price Negotiation

The purpose of building inspections is like an insurance policy. It helps to ensure that you don’t end up with a costly disaster down the track because you bought a home damaged with asbestos or termites.

Yet, what many buyers don’t realise is that you can use a building inspection report to your advantage. You can even save yourself thousands off the asking price.

Independent inspection reports can be used for price negotiation of a property during a transaction.

7. Help the Inspector to Give You the Right Advice

The result of building inspections helps the inspector to give you the right advice. We will entail how significant issues can affect your property and how best to deal with them.

Final Thoughts on the Purpose of Building Inspections

In this blog post, we talked about the purpose of building inspections. Building inspections are a great way to ensure your property is in its good condition. 

I hope that by using this guide, you’ll realise its importance when purchasing a property and dealing with negotiations. 

The key, though, is to consult a professional building inspector and don’t take anyone else’s word for it. All the building inspection services we do is different and more comprehensive than others.

But in general, if you consider the purpose of the building inspections I talked about you’ll do much better overall. This is the idea we take our own clients through when we inspect their properties.

For more information about building inspections, visit our Help Centre.

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About Elie Farah


Elie Farah is a Building Consultant with over 25 years of experience in the property industry. Elie has specialised knowledge in development acquisitions, blue-chip properties and inspections, as well as flood-affected and waterfront properties, heritage buildings, bushfire management and existing use rights.

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