All types of housing construction should be protected in several ways. Your house should have a pest control sticker on the meter box. This notice is supposed to have:
- The product used to protect the house
- The life expectancy of that product as per the manufacturer’s register label
- The company’s name and date of installation.
If you know what product was used, you can research to find more information on it.
However, the life expectancy of the product written by the installer on the notice isn’t always correct. Some companies will put their warranty period instead of the life expectancy. The legislation states the “life expectancy” as per the registered label.
How Does Effective Building & Consultancy Can Help?
Effective Building & Consultancy is a reputable building and pest inspection company that issues a certificate of installation or treatment after the work. We ensure to provide a copy that you need as this is required to keep that on record. Moreover, we also explain the system that is protecting your home and what you need to do to maintain it.
As we always do, we recommend you to be involved in your own termite maintenance program. Termites are actively exploring through the ground for wood to eat and enter your home from the soil.
If your house is built off the ground on stumps or piers then it’s physically separated from the soil and this physical barrier is what you need to maintain.
If your house is built on the ground on a concrete slab, it’s easier for termites to find a concealed entry. This could be pipes or electrical conduit that penetrates the slab, joints or cracks in the concrete slab, a crack in the brickwork below ground level, or soil or gardens over the weep holes.
As you can see, the house on the ground is more complicated than the house off the ground. There are physical barriers that need to be maintained and inspected at least weekly. There are also chemical barriers that need to be re-installed at some stage depending on the life expectancy.
Having a house inspection annually doesn’t stop the termites from entering, which is why you need to be proactive. Effective Building & Consultancy’s pest inspector could be able to find any termite activity, treat termites, and advise on what needs to be done to protect your home.
For experienced & licensed inspectors, call Effective & Consultancy on 02 9613 3353.
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