  • May 17, 2021
  • Effective Building
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Do you notice standing water in your yard after a rainstorm? If yes, then it’s possible that you have a clogged kerb.

In this post, we are going to talk a bit about the clogged kerb.

6 Facts You Need to Know about Kerb

How Does a Kerb Work?

Just like the home’s sewer system, the kerb works with the power of gravity. It’s installed at a downward slope, allowing water to drain out of the yard and into the city’s system.

There are some different types of pipes used for the kerb. These are PVC pipe, perforated pipe, and corrugated pipe.

Just like the plumbing system inside the house, the kerb can get clogged too. But instead of things like food, waste, or toilet paper, your kerb gets clogged with huge tree roots, leaves, mud, and burrowing nests.

What are the Harmful Effects of a Clogged Kerb?

1. Health Risks

Clogged kerbs can cause numerous adverse effects on your health and that of your loved ones. For starters, it facilitates bacteria growth which causes allergies and diseases. 

The blockage in the kerb can hinder water from flowing, hence a flow back. At this point, you will realise slow water drainage in your sinks, leading them to become stagnant. This water has bacteria in it, which puts you at risk of viruses and contamination.

The contaminated water also becomes a threat to your health once it remains stagnant in the kerbs. This is due to the growth of Legionella and other bacteria that thrive in stagnant water. 

2. Attracts Mould and Pests

Pests and insects thrive in moist areas. For example, mosquitoes survive in stagnant water, and leaving blocked kerbs will create a conducive environment for them. 

Moreover, mould grows fast in moist areas such as walls and floorboards. Clogged kerbs make your house damp due to water flow-back. The pests and mould carry health risks and could also damage your home structure if not dealt with on time.

3. Weakens Your Home Structure

Blocked kerbs compromise the plumbing system. The damages are more profound than you can see. Water is no longer channelled to the right places. Some of it remains stagnant while the rest finds its way through corners and cracks in your house. 

The water accumulates in those areas and weakens your home’s structure and foundation. If the issue is not handled on time, you may need to rebuild most parts of your house which are time and cost-intensive.

How to Unclog Kerb?

Depending on the type of pipe you’re dealing with and how severe the clog is, unclogging your kerb could go a few different ways.

Kerb Clogged with Mud

If you have a PVC drainpipe, you can use a drain auger or sewer cleaning machine. The cable attached to the machine is fed into the pipe, which breaks up the mud by spinning through the pipe—then flushing the line to remove any remaining debris. 

With mud, you need a half-inch or ¾ inch cable. However, the size you get depends on the pipe’s size. Just remember that the smaller the diameter of the cable is, the less likely it is to clear the mud.

If you have a perforated or corrugated pipe, you can’t use a sewer cleaning machine. Typically, the cable has a sharp blade to the tip, and it can get caught in the holes or folds and tear apart the pipe and destroy the machine.

With these types of pipes and with PVC, try using hydro jetting. Hydro jetting uses high pressure to flush out the material that’s causing the clog.

You can rent both hydro jetters and sewer cleaning machines from your local hardware store. However, you need to be careful using these machines as you might hurt yourself and the pipes. So, before doing that, try first a blow bag.

Use a Blow Bag to Clear the Clogged Kerb

A blow bag is an inflatable bladder that you can attach to the end of your garden hose. First, attach the blow bag to the end of the hose and insert it into the pipe. Then, you can push the bag as far into the pipe as you can, but don’t force it.

Once you turn on the water, the blow bag fills up, and water bursts out. This creates a hydro jet-like water pressure, forcing the clog out the other end.

Sometimes, this works to clear out a clog, but at times, it doesn’t if it’s severe.

How to Keep Your Kerb from Clogging

If you’ve been doing this regularly, you can prevent clogs easily with nothing but your hands and garden hose. 

Find the drain covers and remove them. Next, reach in and clear away the leaves or gunk at both the entrance and exit. Then, you’ll insert the garden hose at the entrance point as far as you can to flush the debris that’s in the pipe.

Once the water runs clear at the exit, you’re done.

Moreover, it’s advisable to check your kerb for leaves. Just clear them away so water can enter the pipe before it breaks down and get into the drain.

Should You Use Cleaning Materials for Your Kerb?

Use of drain cleaning chemicals isn’t recommended. Most drain cleaners contain acids that may damage your pipes. They are made to eat away whatever is built inside your pipes.

What makes it worse is that these chemicals can also be dangerous to you.

Moreover, they will drain into the city’s water system through storm drains when you use these. The water from the storm drain doesn’t go to a treatment facility first. Instead, it flows directly into the closest body of water with these chemicals.

How Much Does It Cost to Clear a Clogged Kerb?

The cost to clear a clogged kerb depends on the severity of the problem.

If you do it yourself, then you know what you’re doing, spending time and whatever it costs to rent or buy the equipment you’ll need.

However, since this is actually a drainage issue, you need to call a building inspector or a plumber to check and assess the situation. 

Why Call Effective Building & Consultancy Building Inspectors?

Effective Building & Consultancy’s building inspectors have the experience and the equipment to deal with. First, we do a camera inspection where we insert a video camera in the pipe to identify the potential issues in the kerb. The high-resolution video camera can reveal leaks, cracks, and breaks, and the blockages such as roots.

It’s always better to call someone who deals with the kerb problems you’re experiencing a day in and out.

If you aren’t sure about your problems, we can help to figure that out. So give us a call at +61 2 9613 3353 today!

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About Elie Farah


Elie Farah is a Building Consultant with over 25 years of experience in the property industry. Elie has specialised knowledge in development acquisitions, blue-chip properties and inspections, as well as flood-affected and waterfront properties, heritage buildings, bushfire management and existing use rights.

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